Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction
- 作者: Raja Halwani
- 出版社/メーカー: Routledge
- 発売日: 2010/04/30
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 2回
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
- Part I: Love Chapter
- 1: What Is Love?
- 1. Three Types of Love
- 2. Characterizing Romantic Love
- 3. Romantic Love as an Emotion
- 4. Generally Necessary Features of Romantic Love
- 5. Romantic Love and Infatuation
- Chapter 2: Romantic Love
- 1. Aristophanes on Union
- 2. Nozick, Soble, and Solomon on Union
- 3. Romantic Love and Robust Concern
- 4. Sex and the Durability of Romantic Love
- Chapter 3: The Basis of Romantic Love
- 1. Socrates’ Speech in Praise of Romantic Love
- 2. Loving for Reasons
- 3. What Do We Love? Properties of the Beloved
- 4. Different Types of Properties and Love’s Durability and Depth
- Chapter 4: Love and Morality
- 1. Love and Morality
- 2. Moral Restrictions on Love
- 3. The Prudentiality of Love
- Part II: Sex Chapter
- 5: What Is Sex?
- 1. Defining Sexual Acts
- 2. Defining Sexual Desire
- 3. Defining Sexual Pleasure
- 4. Casual Sex, Adultery, and Prostitution
- Chapter 6: Sex, Pleasure, and Morality
- 1. Sexual Pleasure and Other Values of Sex Acts
- 2. Consequentialism and Sex
- 3. Virtues, Vices, and Sex
- Chapter 7: Sexual Objectification
- 1. What Is Sexual Objectification?
- 2. What Is Morally Wrong with Sexual Objectification?
- 3. Nussbaum on Objectification
- 4. Soble on Objectification
- 5. Kant and Objectification
- 6. Women and Pornography
- Chapter 8: Sexual Perversion and Fantasy
- 1. Sexual Perversion 2. Fantasy
- Part III: Marriage
- Chapter 9: What Is Marriage?
- 1. Defining Marriage
- 2. Monogamy
- Chapter 10: Controversies Over Same-Sex Marriage
- 1. Preliminaries
- 2. The Natural Law Tradition
- 3. The Slippery Slope Argument
- 4. The "Undermining Marriage" Argument
- 5. Richard Mohr’s Argument for Same-Sex Marriage
- 6. Cheshire Calhoun’s Argument for Same-Sex Marriage
- 7. Claudia Card’s Argument Against Same-Sex Marriage
- 8. The Assimilation and Cultural Injustice Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage
- 9. The Political Question
とりあえず「What Is Sex?」の章だけぱらぱらと。セックスの定義の話が繰り広げられててめっぽうおもしろい。「哲学者って難儀な生き物ですね」と言いたくなるが、重要な問題であることは確かだし、これは社会学者とか他分野の人が読んでもおもしろいんじゃないかな。特に後半はCasual Sexや売春の定義も論じられており、社会的・倫理的問題への目配せが感じられる。