David Davis「フィクション」
The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics (Routledge Philosophy Companions)
- フィクションとは何か
- フィクションにおける真
- フィクションを通じての真
- フィクション、フィクショナルキャラクター、感情
The Routledge Companion to Aestheticsのフィクションの記事を読んで気になったものをメモる。
- Friend, Stacie (2008). Imagining Fact and Fiction. In Kathleen Stock & Katherine Thomsen-Jones (eds.), New Waves in Aesthetics. Palgrave Macmillan. 150-169.
- JOHN GIBSON, Fiction and the Weave of Life
- David Novitz, Knowledge, Fiction, and Imagination
- David Davies. Learning Through Fictional Narratives in Art and Science
- Davies, David (2007). Thought Experiments and Fictional Narratives. Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):29-45.
- Smith, Murray (2006). Film art, argument, and ambiguity. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (1):33–42.
- Elgin, Catherine Z. (forthcoming). Fiction as Thought Experiment. Perspectives on Science :55-75.
- Ichikawa, Jonathan & Jarvis, Benjamin (2009). Thought-experiment intuitions and truth in fiction. Philosophical Studies 142 (2):221 - 246.