Davidson, Donald, 1963. “Actions, Reasons, Causes,” in Davidson 1980: 3–19
Fairweather, E. R. (1995) A Scholastic Miscellany. Westminster: John Knox Press. Excerpt from Abelard's commentary on Romans.
Brittain, C., Philo of Larissa (Oxford 2001), 345–70.
名前の表記ぶれもひどい。例えばW. V. QuineとW.V.O QuineとWillard van Orman Quineは同一人物だ。なるべくミドルネームやファーストネームを補完するようがんばったが、P. Churchlandが二人いる問題は解決しようがない。
ミドルネームも難しくて、例えばB.A.W. Russell、B. Russell、Bertrand Russellという表記が出てきたら、正式名称はBertrand A.W. Russellにすることにした。しかしB. Russellさん全員にA.W.をつけると、Bruce Russell(宗教哲学者)もBruce A.W. Russellになってしまう。これについてはいろいろ解決策もありそうだが、とりあえずは集計できたのであきらめつつある。
- John Rawls 1971 A Theory of Justice 48
- Willard Van Orman Quine 1960 Word and Object 32
- David K. Lewis 1986 On the Plurality of Worlds 31
- Saul A. Kripke 1980 Naming and Necessity 27
- Derek Parfit 1984 Reasons and Persons 24
- Ludwig Wittgenstein 1953 Philosophical Investigations 23
- Robert Nozick 1974 Anarchy, State, and Utopia 23
- Saul A. Kripke 1972 Naming and Necessity 22
- Thomas M. Scanlon 1998 What We Owe to Each Other 20
- George Edward Moore 1903 Principia Ethica 20
- David J. Chalmers 1996 The Conscious Mind 19
- David A. Hume 1739 A Treatise of Human Nature 19
- Joseph Raz 1986 The Morality of Freedom 16
- Robert Nozick 1981 Philosophical Explanations 16
- John L. Mackie 1977 Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong 16
- Bertrand A.W. Russell 1905 On Denoting 16
- Bertrand A.W. Russell 1912 The Problems of Philosophy 15
- Donald Davidson 1980 Essays on Actions and Events 15
- Thomas Hobbes 1651 Leviathan 15
- Willard Van Orman Quine 1951 Two Dogmas of Empiricism 14
- Gilbert Ryle 1949 The Concept of Mind 14
- John McDowell 1994 Mind and World 14
- W.David Ross 1930 The Right and the Good 14
- John Rawls 1993 Political Liberalism 14
- David H. Kaplan 1989 Demonstratives 13
- Jonathan Barnes 1982 The Presocratic Philosophers 13
- Crispin J. Wright 1983 Frege's Conception of Numbers as Objects 13
- Alvin C. Plantinga 1974 The Nature of Necessity 13
- Richard M. Hare 1952 The Language of Morals 13
- Bertrand A.W. Russell 1903 The Principles of Mathematics 13
- Henry Sidgwick 1907 The Methods of Ethics 13
- Daniel C. Dennett 1991 Consciousness Explained 13
- Michael N. Smith 1994 The Moral Problem 13
- Simon Blackburn 1984 Spreading the Word 12
- Terence Parsons 1980 Nonexistent Objects 12
- John Locke 1975 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 12
- David K. Lewis 1973 Counterfactuals 12
- Edward N. Zalta 1983 Abstract Objects: An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics 12
- Nathan U. Salmon 1986 Frege's Puzzle 12
- Iris Marion. Young 1990 Justice and the Politics of Difference 12
- Frank Jackson 1982 Epiphenomenal Qualia 11
- Rudolf Carnap 1947 Meaning and Necessity 11
- Timothy Williamson 1994 Vagueness 11
- Christine M. Korsgaard 1996 The Sources of Normativity 11
- Peter A. Singer 1993 Practical Ethics 11
- Simon Blackburn 1993 Essays in Quasi-Realism 11
- Simon Blackburn 1998 Ruling Passions 11
- Hilary Putnam 1981 Reason, Truth and History 11
- Michael A.E. Dummett 1973 Frege: Philosophy of Language 11
- Richard B. Brandt 1979 A Theory of the Good and the Right 11
- Peter van Inwagen 1990 Material Beings 11
- Fred Dretske 1981 Knowledge and the Flow of Information 10
- Timothy Williamson 2000 Knowledge and its Limits 10
- David Gauthier 1986 Morals by Agreement 10
- David K. Lewis 1991 Parts of Classes 10
- Tyler Burge 1979 Individualism and the Mental 10
- David O. Brink 1989 Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics 10
- John Rawls 1999 The Law of Peoples 10
- Gareth R. Evans 1982 The Varieties of Reference 10
- David R.P. Wiggins 1980 Sameness and Substance 10
- Robert C. Stalnaker 1984 Inquiry 10
- Allan Gibbard 1990 Wise Choices, Apt Feelings 10
- William C. Kneale and Martha Kneale 1962 The Development of Logic 10
- Karl R. Popper 1959 The Logic of Scientific Discovery 10
しかしこうして見ると美学の文献は少ないな。比較的参照されているウォルトンのMimesis as Make-Believeでも6件だった(サブタイトルありとなしでわかれているが)。