事前のイメージとしては、Philosophical Review, Nous, Philosophical Studies, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Mindあたりが偉いのかなというイメージを持っていた(実際のところよく知らない)。
Google Scholar
- Synthese
- Philosophical Studies
- Mind & Language
- Nous
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Mind
- Erkenntnis
- Ethics
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
- Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Google Scholarは多く引用された論文が見れるのでおもしろい。美学の雑誌だと↓のような感じ。
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
The British Journal of Aesthetics
著者 | タイトル | 雑誌 | 年 | 引用数 |
J. MacFarlane | Nonindexical contextualism | Synthese | 2009 | 174 |
Dan Sperber, et al. | Epistemic Vigilance | Mind & Language | 2010 | 201 |
D. Charmers | The Singularity | Journal of Consciousness Studies | 2010 | 125 |
T. Fuchs, et al. | Enactive intersubjectivity | Phenomenology and the Cognitive Scienes | 2009 | 104 |
N. Kolodony, J.MacFarlane | Ifs and oughts | The Journal of Philosophy | 2010 | 104 |
C.Hitchcok, J.Knobe | Cause and Norm | The Journal of Philosophy | 2009 | 100 |
J. van Benthem, et all. | Merging Frameworks for Interaction | Journal of Philosophical Logic | 2009 | 185 |
J. Schaffer | Monism | Philosophical Review | 2010 | 176 |
Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)
- Natural Language Semantics
- Ethics
- Philosophical Review, The
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- Nous
- Political Psychology
- Linguistics and Philosophy
- Mind and Language
- European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Mind
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)
検索結果に直リンクできない様子だが、Main Area: Arts and Humanities, Subarea: Philosophyの結果
- Ethics
- Journal of Political Philosophy
- Nous
- Mind
- Mind and Language
- Science Technology and Human Values
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Linguistics and Philosophy
- Political Psychology