
事前のイメージとしては、Philosophical Review, Nous, Philosophical Studies, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Mindあたりが偉いのかなというイメージを持っていた(実際のところよく知らない)。

Google Scholar


  1. Synthese
  2. Philosophical Studies
  3. Mind & Language
  4. Nous
  5. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
  6. Mind
  7. Erkenntnis
  8. Ethics
  9. Journal of Consciousness Studies
  10. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

Google Scholarは多く引用された論文が見れるのでおもしろい。美学の雑誌だと↓のような感じ。
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
The British Journal of Aesthetics


著者 タイトル 雑誌 引用数
J. MacFarlane Nonindexical contextualism Synthese 2009 174
Dan Sperber, et al. Epistemic Vigilance Mind & Language 2010 201
D. Charmers The Singularity Journal of Consciousness Studies 2010 125
T. Fuchs, et al. Enactive intersubjectivity Phenomenology and the Cognitive Scienes 2009 104
N. Kolodony, J.MacFarlane Ifs and oughts The Journal of Philosophy 2010 104
C.Hitchcok, J.Knobe Cause and Norm The Journal of Philosophy 2009 100
J. van Benthem, et all. Merging Frameworks for Interaction Journal of Philosophical Logic 2009 185
J. Schaffer Monism Philosophical Review 2010 176

Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)


  1. Natural Language Semantics
  2. Ethics
  3. Philosophical Review, The
  4. Business Ethics Quarterly
  5. Nous
  6. Political Psychology
  7. Linguistics and Philosophy
  8. Mind and Language
  9. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  10. Mind


Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)

検索結果に直リンクできない様子だが、Main Area: Arts and Humanities, Subarea: Philosophyの結果

  1. Ethics
  2. Journal of Political Philosophy
  3. Nous
  4. Mind
  5. Mind and Language
  6. Science Technology and Human Values
  7. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
  8. Australasian Journal of Philosophy
  9. Linguistics and Philosophy
  10. Political Psychology